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"Because Knowing the Word of God isn't just for the Pros"
A blog dedicated to a faith life in real tangible ways. Family. Relationships. Faith. Politics. Health. Standing strong in the storms. I write about that place where faith and life intersect
Many of us are struggling to find relevance in our daily lives. How can our faith be applied to our daily lives?
What does the Bible say about politics?
Social Media and How It Affects Us
Family and Relationships
Culture and Society
Do we have to go to Church?
Employees and Employers
Marriage, Dating, and and More
You need this Newsletter if you want to know places and instances where faith intersects life.
You need this if you want to learn how to study the Bible.
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We are all busy. Some of us feel too busy. Because our lives are usually a rush from one week to another, we might neglect the Truth.
Perhaps no one has ever shown you how to navigate the Word of God. Maybe you’ve been going to a church that fails to teach the whole word.
Some of us were raised to believe it was up to the pastor to teach us. Some have said that we need to avoid topics that might offend someone. These days, you don’t even have to say something to offend someone.
Consider these ways to offend.
mention Joe Biden
mention Kamala Harris
mention Donald Trump
talk about LGBTQ
mention abortion
be White, Black, Mexican, Hmong, Asian, Arabic, Jewish, or any other race
Belong to a religion
You see, we can offend someone by just being ourselves.
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If you don’t subscribe, you’ll miss out on the updates. I’ll discuss the topics that come my way. I have a biblical worldview on all the topics above, and I’d love to help you navigate these issues.
If you don’t subscribe, you might get fooled out there. False teachers, cults, televangelists, hyped weather or natural events, and false prophets.
People are destroyed because they reject knowledge. (Hosea 4:6)
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
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